Get your students 一分钟极速赛车开奖记录、开奖结果查询 at maths!

  • Adaptive quizzes, innovative games and social competitions
  • Aligned to the National Curriculum
  • Real-time analytics with AI support for differentiation
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Transform your teaching with game-based learning

Used by thousands of students every day

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Use in class, for setting homework, revision and much more on any handheld device. You can even use your teacher platform to connect to your whiteboard and play activities with the whole class to explore ideas together.

  • Easy to use
  • Class and individual teaching
  • Works on all devices
  • Access 24/7
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Get insightful reports sent instantly to your platform

Simple functionality allows you to set activities and monitor the progress of the whole class or individuals. Get real-time data on the level of achievement, number of attempts, time spent and the curriculum level students are working at.

Over 700 engaging activities to boost student understanding

Mangahigh is trusted by over 5,000 schools globally

Mangahigh is a trusted resource for 100,000s of teachers

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What teachers say about Mangahigh

“Mangahigh turns our students into “maths addicts“ who compete with each other for top scores and gold medals. And since the quizzes reward both accurate recall of knowledge and deep conceptual understanding, every hour they spent having fun makes them better mathematicians. Five stars.“

Tom Ding, Ark Academy, Wembley, London

“I have used Mangahigh in my classroom for over 5 years. What keeps me coming back are the math games and wide range of concepts that are offered. But the best part is the fact that the kids LOVE to play it. I have students beg me to assign them Teacher Challenges! Begging for more math work? I am ok with that!!“

Renee Hernandez, Green Elementary School, Allen, Texas

“Kids loved it; an ADHD student who has NEVER before been able to focus in the last periods of the day; he wouldn't stop till he got a medal! Absolutely phenomenal! His mother is overjoyed, and the rest of the maths staff room were gobsmacked!“

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